One of the political moves that Genghis Khan made was to decree the Uyghur script as the Mongolian Empire's writing system. I believe that was a political move because the reason that he had so much power was because he unified the nomadic tribes of northeast asia to his empire. Those tribes must've had different cultures, governments, and different languages and by him making the law that they all had to write in Uyghur script helped because now everybody knew what everyone else wrote.

The Treaty of Paris was a form of politics because it was a compromise between Louis IX of France and Henry III of England basically saying that the 100 years of conflict between the kings of England and the kings of France will stop. During 1204 when Phillip II was in power the fight that was happening between France and England was that Phillip II wanted Normandy from Henry III but Henry wouldn't give it up and so Phillip conquered it and got most of the Islands that Henry owned.

Blue = The Orthodox Church
Orange = Catholic Church
The Great Schism of 1054 was the break of communion between the what are are now the eastern oorthodox and the catholic church. The Schism started in the 11th century and still continues to this day. The schism is a form of politics because the schism sparked the fire for the famous crusades. The reason that the schism happened is becasue the roman empire wouldn't accept the churches of the east/constantinople.

The major political collapse of the central Mayan empire, marked the abandonment of cities, the ending of dynasties and a northward shift in activity. There really is no universally accepted theory explains the collapse, but some things that could have cause are endemic internal warfare meaning that there were civil wars faught between Mayans and ther Mayans, overpopulation resulting in severe enviromantal degradation, and drought. This is a form of politics because during this collapse Chichen Itza was established as the most important city in the norhern Maya region.

Aristotle constituted the first comprehensive system of Western philosophy, he wrote various articles about metphysics, linguistics, zoology, biology, physics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, theatre, music, rhetoric, and politics and government. Aristotle had taught Alexander the Great since the age of 13, he had founded the first school of liberal studies. His works are a form of politics becuase some of the strategies that Alexander used where based on what he learned from Aristotle, so we can see that his techings led to the conquering of the known world.