Edward III is a form of politics because his actions in ruling and bending people to his will were evident in him causing 'the hundred years war' and his international failure and domestic strife, largely as a result of his inactivity and poor health. The hundred years war was a war that happened because there was a gradual rise in tension between the Kings of France and England about Guyenne, Flanders and Scotland.

Fillipo Brunelleschi made political moves by becoming one of the founding fathers of the renaissance era meaning that he was one of the people that built a bridge between medieval history and modern history. He was able to unite people by building hue cathedrals in cities like Florence. He expanded and furthered the field of mathematics and architecture.

Chen Youliang exercised politics in his dealing because he united a rebellion to be part of his Han empire he was very smart though by persuading the troops of the army that he used to serve in that the people that he had killed was in "self-denfense". His insurgency was a lot like the ming dynasty but it did have a lot of flaws and one would have thought that he should have better trained his troops before starting any wars. What he did was the exact opposite which is that he thought since he had so many troops he cold go to war with the Ming dynasty and the result of the wr was that he had very little amount of citizens in his empire because of his losses.

Zhu Yuanzhang was the founder and first emperor of the ming dynasty during a time of famine, plagues, and peasant revolts sweeping across China, Zhu rose to command a force that conquered China and drove out the mongol lead yuan-dynasty back to mongolia. Trusting only his family he made his sons powerful feudal princes. He politically put himself in a good spot because he claimed the mandate of heaven and had his own intellegience agency. He bent peole tohis will by uniting and persuading the rebels of the yuan dynasy and he led a sort'sve confucionistic empire the only bad thing that happened to him was the death of his oldest son his successor because that son was the most qualified as an emperor. Later his grandson would be emperor.

Ivan I of Moscow use of politics was by persuading the "Golden Horde" to give him the right to become the Grand Prince of Vladmir. As the Grand Prince of Vladimir hemade the ppeople bend to his will by moving them wherever he pleased. His empire soon was a very wealthy one because he had exterminated all the thieves in his land and consecutively kept getting money from the glden horde. Soon his nickname was the moneybag because he had so much money at his disposal.